Rajdeep Biswas
This site hosts some of Rajdeep's work on data analytics and machine learning. Please feel free to bookmark and reuse as you prefer with or without attribution.
Stock Market Prediction with S&P 500 Data
Predict the future price of a given stock, time series analysis, stock screener
A Tale of Three Cities
R, SparkR, SparkSQL, AML
Time Series forecasting, Anomaly detection, Data visualization and descriptive analytics Datseton 3-1-1 call dataset from Chicago, Boston and New York city.
Manufacturing Quality Inspection
Computer Vision, Tensorflow, AML
Have built the computer vision models in 3 different ways addressing different personas, because not all companies will have a resolute data science team.
MLOps with AzureML and Azure Pipelines
AML, Python, REST, Azure DevOPS
MLOps to build a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipeline for an ML/AI project.
MLOps with AzureML and GitHub Actions
AML, Python, REST, GitHub Actions
MLOps to build a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery pipeline for an ML/AI project.
Stock Sentiment Analysis
Scrub the stock news RSS feed and perform sentiment analysis on that.
Movies Data Consortium
Python, AML, Blob
Movies data consortium by blending a file data store sourced from the Movies Dataset hosted in Kaggle, website data from Wikipedia and API data from themoviedb.org.
Yelp EDA and Sentiment Analysis
PySpark, SparkSQL, SQL
In depth EDA, Sentiment Analysis Model Building Evaluation and Selection, Model deployment.
Air Travel Safety Dashboard
Airline travel has been recently getting a lot of negative press promoting statistics stating air is no longer a safe way to travel especially when compared to automobiles.
Find My Image
Python, REST
Use AI, Search and exhaust data mining to resize, arrange, tag, categorize, generate caption and search through all your images in a flash.
Process New Mexico Well Data
PySpark, Databricks, Azure
Process New Mexico Well Data
AI Enabled Image Bucketization
Python, REST
Bucketize an image based on exhaust data and AI generated data
Chatbot in 10 minutes
Python, REST, Azure Cognitive Services
Build a ChatBot in 10 minutes using Azure QnA Maker and Azure Bot Service v4
Old Projects
Encrypted Data Transfer
Hadoop, HDFS, Shell
HDFS Encrypted zone intra-cluster transfer automation
Hive and HDFS Automated Copy
Hive, Shell
Generic HDFS data and Hive Database transfer automation between any environment (Production/QA/Development) utilizing Amazon S3 storage
Hybrid Archive Storage
Hive, Shell, S3
Decrease Hive and HDFS storage costs by using EBS and S3